01:830:313 Study Guide - Temporal Lobe, List Of Thalamic Nuclei, Optic Chiasm

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Expression of emotions in man and animals (darwin, 1872) If facial expression of emotions is inherited (genetically determined) then : different cultures with different languages and no contact should have similar facial expressions of emotions. They do! (eckman 1980: cultures should judge facial expressions similarly. Be able to guess what emotion is being expressed just through a picture. They can! (tomkins) people asked to imagine certain scenarios and took pictures of their face. Used to ask others what emotion is being expressed: people who are visually impaired from birth should have the same or similar facial expression of emotions that sighted people. Duchenne an anatomist who worked with darwin to dissect the faces of animals and mapped out the musculature of human and other species. Orbicularisoculi muscle in the eye over which we do not have voluntarily control. Small percentage of population (sociopaths, chronic liars, con artists) who have gained voluntary control over this muscle.