01:830:313 Study Guide - Final Guide: Implicit Memory, Reinforcement, Operant Conditioning

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Token economy people in these institutions want to be on their best behavior. Reinforcer- any stimuli that would strengthen a response or increase likelihood that the behavior preceding it can be repeated. Primary reinforcer- reinforcer that satisfy basic physical needs and a need for survival. Secondary reinforcer: reinforcer that learn in association with other reinforcers. Ex: money, toys, candy (can be used to buy a primary reinforcer) Negative reinforcement: determination or avoidance of an unpleasant condition. Ex: getting a good grade to get out of doing chores. Continuous reinforcement: one after the other reinforcement---for kids. Fixed ratio schedule- a reinforcement is given after a fixed number of correct non- reinforced responses. Variable ratio schedule- after a varying number of responses, Fixed interval- a specific number of times that must be passed before a response is reinforced. Define 1st, 2nd rows 3rd row-primacy effect, recall, and recency effect.