01:830:313 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bipolar Disorder, Age 13, Malnutrition

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Every tuesday and thursday morning check the class site, sakai , to check for class cancellation or hw assignments. Psychoanalysis - theory of personality development functioning and change which places heavy emphasis on the role of biological factors and the determination of behavior based on 2 drives: sex & aggression these drives motivate our lives. The conscious mind ideas and sensations of which we are aware which operates on the surface of personality and plays a relatively small role in the human personality. The preconscious mind contains experiences that are unconscious but that could become conscious with little effort. These mental states remain out of awareness because making them conscious would create tremendous pain and anxiety for us. You are unaware that you are putting your thoughts there & you cannot retrieve them so the memory is totally removed and gone! *these repressed thoughts or things are from traumatic experiences; mostly when you were younger.