01:830:310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Amygdala, Reticular Formation, Internal Carotid Artery

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29 Mar 2015

Document Summary

Skull dura matter arachnoid membrane pia matter brain: the most abundant cell type in the cns is: glial cell (specifically astrocytes are the most common type of glial cells in the cns) The third ventricle is spatially associated with the thalamus: cranial nerves ii, iii, iv and vi are the optic, oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves. Oligodendrocytes spina bifida; anencephaly cerebellum; pons falx cerebri. Hippocrates: brain hypothesis- the brain is the source of all behavior and controls all senses and movements. Galen"s knowledge of anatomy was based on dissecting barbary monkeys. He claimed they were anatomically similar to humans. (or treating gladiators?) ; studying the behavioral effects of wounds to the brain. Believed that the physical function of the brain and body depended on the balance of the four humors (blood=air, mucus=water, yellow bile=fire, black bile=earth). Vesalius believed that the overall mass of the brain of humans was larger than that of animals contrary to.