01:790:373 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Summa Theologica, Scholasticism, Divine Law

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Aquinas is associated with a philosophical school called scholasticism. Scholasticism relied upon a method whereby positions had to be placed within a rigorous framework of debate. In writing summa theologica, aquinas followed the scholastic framework. In the reading, his positions are articulated as answers to the questions in the paragraphs that start on the contrary and i answer that . Page numbers of the answers are in parentheses below: what does law do and how does law relate to reason? (2) Law is a rule and measure of acts, man is induced to act or is restrained from acting, for lex (law) is derived from ligare (to bind) because it binds one to act. Belongs to the reason to direct to the end, which is the first principle in all matters of action. Follows that law is something pertaining to reason: what is the last end of human life? (4) The last end of human life is bliss or happiness.