01:713:202- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 37 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Leadership described: traits versus process, assigned versus emergent, power, management, trait vs. Process is something you do: assigned leadership vs. emergent leadership. Leadership based on occupying a position within an organization. An individual perceived by others as the most influential member of a group or organization regardless of the individual"s title. Leaders can be both assigned and emergent. Club president (may not be the most influential person: leadership and power. Power is the capacity or potential to influence others" beliefs, attitudes & actions. Referent - type of power you have because people respect you. Expert - you have power because you know more than anyone in the group. Legitimate - position who has the authority to do certain things. Professor can make you take a test. Reward - power because you have something the other person wants. If you want an a in class you have to do certain things to get that.