01:470:225 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Oil Lamp, Valerianella Locusta, 6 Years

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A little girl was so stubborn she would not listen to her parents. The little girl had interest in going to see mother trudy but her parents strictly told her not to. The girl went to go see mother trudy anyways and was terrified from what she saw. She turned the little girl into a block of wood and tossed her in the fire. A poor woodcutter and his wife lived at the edge of a large forest and had a daughter. The family could not afford to feed their daughter. The virgin mary offered herself to take care of the daughter for them. The virgin mary took very good care of her. One day the virgin mary went on a trip and told the girl to not open the thirteen door. The child opened the 13th doors to find the holy trinity; her finger turned gold.