01:460:224 Study Guide - Final Guide: Geosphere, Carbon Cycle, Humboldt Current

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The bands of jupiter are the result of rapid rotation (faster than earth) which creates strong winds, and strong convection. Adjacent hot and cool regions have different colors from the different molecules which form at different temperatures. It is zero on the equator and progressively increases poleward. It is also proportional to the wind speed. The amount of water that the air can hold decreases as temperature drops. Relative humidity increases, but as some of the moisture is likely lost as rain, humidity in absolute terms may decreases. The cold peru current cools the air onshore winds have low capacity to hold moisture. The atacama is located in the rain-shadow between two mountain ranges. Recall: all matter cycles, it is neither created nor destroyed. As the earth is essentially a closed system with respect to matter, we can say that all matter on earth cycles.