01:447:384 Study Guide - Final Guide: Phenotype, Autosome, Product Rule

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23 Apr 2020

Document Summary

Eden chin: melanogaster mating experiment: determining inheritance of traits (female ) Phenotype of the p generation listed on the vial says __________________ The flies you have received are the f1 generation. Take these flies and place them in another vial. You are crossing the f1 generation in this vial. How many days does it take d. melanogaster at room temperature (25 c) to create a new wild ( red eyed) 2 wks generation (i. e. , generation time meaning fertilized egg to winged adult)?____________ Therefore, when should we remove adults to ensure that they do not mate with the emerging. Date count the emerging offspring, which is the f2 generation _________________ The phenotypes of the flies in the f2 generation are. Work through the handout once all this data is collected to determine the pattern of inheritance for this trait. This is a thought experiment as well as a wet lab experiment.