11:400:104 Study Guide - Neural Tube Defect, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Fetus

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Nutritional needs change at each stage of life cycle: pregnancy: only way nutrients can reach the developing fetus is through placenta, the special organ that grows inside the uterus to support new life. The close association between the fetus" and mother"s circulatory systems permits the mother"s bloodstream to deliver nutrients and oxygen and remove waste products. Nearly all nutrients are recommended in increased amounts during pregnancy and lactation. Only small increase in metabolic demands of pregnancy and fetal development. 2nd trimester: add 350 cals per day. 3rd trimester: add 450 cals per day. Pre-pregnancy: folic acid levels of 400 mg/day needed for women of childbearing age to prevent neural tube defects (ntds) Early pregnancy: vitamin a intakes over 10,000 iu linked to increased risk of birth defects. The dri for calcium during pregnancy is 1300 milligrams for teens, 1000 milligrams for adults over 18 yrs.