33:382:202 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Brand Licensing, Target Costing, Price Equation

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Marketing for entre & sb - exam #4 study guide. Chapter ten: managing successful products, services, and brands. Product life cycle: describes the stages a new product goes through in the marketplace: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Stimulate trial: the initial purchase of a product by a consumer. Primary demand: the desire for the product class rather than a speci c brand. Selective demand: the preference of a speci c brand. Skimming strategy: high initial price during introduction. Penetration pricing: when a company prices to low to discourage competitive entry. Repeat purchasers: people who tried the product, were satis ed, and bought again. Deletion: dropping the product from the company"s product line. Harvesting: when a company retains the product but reduces marketing costs. High-learning product: product for which a signi cant education is required and there is an extended introductory period. Low-learning product: little learning is required by the consumer and the bene ts of the purchase are readily understood.