01:202:203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Auburn System, Herbert Annesley Packer, Retributive Justice

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Imprisonment versus crime rates- prison population seems to be due entirely to tougher criminal justice policies rather than changes in crime rates. The big four states in corrections- california, florida, new york, texas. Federalism- a system of government in which power and responsibilities are divided between a national and state governments. Technology- method of applying scientific knowledge to practical purposes in a particular field. Street-level bureaucrats- public service workers who, in the course of their work, interact directly with citizens, granting access to government programs and providing services within them. Exchange- a mutual transfer of resources based on decisions regarding the costs and benefits of alternative actions. Corporal punishment- punishment inflicted on the offender"s body with whips or other devices that cause pain. Lex talionis- law of retaliation; the principle that punishment should correspond in degree and kind to the offense. Secular law- the law of the civil society as distinguished from church law.