01:202:202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Elizabeth Fry, Motor Vehicle Theft, Larceny

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Most prisoners are fathers, but 8 percent are mothers. Nationwide, the number of mothers incarcerated in federal and state prisoners has increased 131 percent since 1991. People argue punish the children because the mother made a mistake . Because women make up such a small portion of the prison population, they have a small amount of prisons for them. They also tend to be very far away. Family members can barely visit them because of the distance. The life in women prison is not as resourceful as men"s prison. Women offenders are often referred to as the forgotten offenders . Women prisons are smaller; hence it creates institutional sexism according to. Prisons are far away from family and friends. Lack of treatments available for the prisoners. Women make up to only 7 percent of the federal and state prison population. Women are more likely than men to be serving sentences for drug offenses and other nonviolent crimes.