01:198:110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lossless Compression, Radio-Frequency Identification, Cable Modem

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01:198:110 Full Course Notes
01:198:110 Full Course Notes
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Cloud computing: athe(cid:396) tha(cid:374) usi(cid:374)g a (cid:272)o(cid:373)pute(cid:396)(cid:859)s ha(cid:396)d drive to store info, access programs and data, you use internet connection via any electronic to access your data. Cloud backup: strategy for backing up data by sending a copy of that data to an off-site server. Private cloud: type of cloud computing in a protected area, which can only be controlled and operated by a specific client. Public cloud: based on the standard cloud computing model where a service provider makes resources available to the public through the internet. Hybrid cloud: a computing environment that mixes both private cloud platforms and public cloud providers. The public and private cloud infrastructures operate independently of each other. Saas - software as a service: applications are supplied by a vendor who is responsible for all the hard stuff of (cid:272)o(cid:373)puti(cid:374)g, so that (cid:455)ou do(cid:374)(cid:859)t ha(cid:448)e to.