04:192:380 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mind Map, Institute For Operations Research And The Management Sciences, Tragic Hero

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Narrowing the topic to meet objectives and time. Brainstorming list every idea that comes to mind without evaluating its merits: consider interests, experiences, issues you care about, organizations you belong to, people you admire, events you find significant. Consider the assignment (what am i looking for from you?) What do they care about?: it will interest your audience, it is something your listeners need to know about for their own or society"s benefit, it will likely inspire, entertain, or emotionally move your audience. Consider your own knowledge and interest (what are your strengths?: you can start focusing on researching information that supplements the facts you already know rather than gathering general background information. Consider the speech context (think about formality and situational characteristics like time, size, etc. : context the occasion, surrounding environment, and situation in which you will deliver your presentation. Choose a topic and stick to it. Decide your rhetorical purpose: informing, persuading, making a special occasion.