01:119:116 Study Guide - Blood Sugar, Insulin, Peptide

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Content of exam: classifica tion all the wa y to the endocrine sys tem (no reproduction) Insulin & gluca gon a re 2 hormones. Duct tha t leads awa y from pancreas to small intes tine subs tances deposi ted in small intes tine. Concentra ted in groups of cells called islets of langerhans. Produced by the -cells in the islets of langerhans. Raises blood sugar s timulates enzymes tha t brea kdown gl ycogen stored in the li ver (mainl y) and mus cles. Small pol ypeptide (la rge r tha n glucagon) 2 pol ypeptide chains , 30 a mino a cids & 21 amino a cids. Lowers blood suga r (moves glucose i nto cells; sti mula tes gl ycogen s ynthesis) Insulin & gluca gon help to keep blood suga r levels normal not too high or low: homeostasis. Raises blood sugar level insulin is produced. Sti mula tes cells to take in gl ucose.