01:098:250- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 62 pages long!)

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Conceptualizing east asia : often has to do with your beliefs and experiences. Cultural sphere based on the shared use and adaption of the chinese language. Ends up including south asia as well. This is all the countries that surround the pacific ocean. Ends up including coastal e. asia, oceania and even parts of. Can see east asia as big east asia". Therefore east asia can be considered as big or as contracted as we like. Country (other name for country if applicable) Name of leader- official title (year instated) Xi jinping- general secretary of ccp (2012) Carrie lam (lam cheng yuet-ngor)- chief executive (2017) North korea (democratic people"s republic of korea dprk . Instead of the above dichotomies, author steger believes globalization is more unified theory. Defines globalization by the ties that link these dichotomies. Defines it by the interpenetration of the two aspects. //important to note that his ideas are different from what we naturally believes.