11:067:450 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Macula Densa, Zona Glomerulosa, Efferent Arteriole

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Primary cushing"s disease: due to a pathological defect in the adrenal gland where you have excess cortisol produced. Excess production can be from a tumor in the adrenal cortex. Cushing"s syndrome (also known as secondary cushing"s disease): secondary effect that can be caused by taking cortisol exogenously (taking cortisol as a medicine), possibly a disruption in acth feedback. Cholesterol is the precursor to all steroids and a lot of it is produced in the liver. This cholesterol is essential for a lot of biological processes and it is heavily regulated. It is transported to all of the cells in the body and depending on the hormonal status of the body different types of cholesterol are made (free, esterified, etc. ) Focus on the enzymes that distinguish one region of the adrenal cortex from another. Difference between z. glomerulosa and z. fasciculata, in terms of function. Understand the stimulation of steroidogenesis by acth picture.