NROSCI 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Arachnoid Mater, Dura Mater, Radioactive Tracer

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Individual neurons are the units and signaling elements of the ns. Neural processes grow from cell body when neurons are isolated. Dynamic polarity: signals flow from dendrite --> soma --> axon --> terminal. # of dendritic branches and spines correlates with number of inputs. Sensory: take info from environment put it into cns. Interneurons: make local connections, signal within same area of brain or spine. Glial cells: non neural support cells for ns. Meninges: 3 layers of protective tissue surrounding brain and cns. Csf comes from choroid plexus --> ventricles ---> foramina into subarachnoid space --> drained out of subarachnoid space into subdural sinuses --> back into blood circulation. Blood brain barrier: formed by tight junctions between capillary cells. Anything trying to go thru has to pass endothelial wall and x2 layers of astrocytes. Allows small, lipid soluble molecules or ones with transporter. Circumventricular organs not protected by bbb detect toxins in the blood.