CHEM 0310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Deuterated Chloroform, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Methyl Group

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Nmr: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: for structural determination. Added a carbon so didn"t change the function but changed the structure. Put drop of sample in tiny amount of solvent (deuterated, any proton that would normally be there is replaced by deuterium (an isotope of h)). Deuterium doesn"t give a sample so doesn"t interfere with sample. Cdcl3 (deuterated chloroform chcl3) theres still tiny amount of undeuterated impurity, but this is actually useful, (why?) The spectrum: on x-axis in ppm parts per million. Use tetramethyl silane (tms) (has 4 equivalent methyl groups) that will give only one signal named as arbitrary 0 (and small peak at. Dont add (ch3)4si tms any more to not clutter up spectrum, but we still use it as standard 0. Might need different types solvent depending on solubility of the compound you"re measuring. Nuclei that spin have to have odd # electrons. Every proton has mag field, either matches or doesn"t applied mag field.