BIOSC 1200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pikaia, Endostyle, Comparative Anatomy

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23 Nov 2017

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Evolutionary morphology study guide (exam 3: explain the theoretical concept of homology. Comparative anatomy gross similarity (overall similarity), spatial similarity, material similarity, histological similarity. Ontogeny e. g. endostyle & thyroid develop the same way in early stages. Fossil history e. g. pikaia has notochord & myomeres, similar to craniates: define and distinguish between the following terms: homology, homologous, homologue. Homology: a relationship/correspondence between structures in different taxa such that one is derived directly from the other or both are derived from the same precursor in their most recent common ancestor. Homologous: having the same organ in different animals under every variety of form & function. Explain how evolutionary reversal, parallelism, and convergence are each different forms of homoplasy. Homoplasy: a trait that is similar to another structure not in the same clade (rather, in same grade) Convergence is superficial, easily identifiable similarities that are not homologous: leigh van valen has suggested that evolution is the control of development by ecology.