NUR 1211C Study Guide - Final Guide: Visiting Hours, Unit, Reaction Formation

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A client is disturbed that family can be seen only during visiting hours. **a client exhibits hostile and angry behaviors toward another client. A client states, "i have no one who cares about me. " A client states,"i have never met my career goals. " Hide feedback safety and security, level 2 first! According to maslow"s hierarchy of needs, which situation. **an individual demonstrates an ability to discuss cbjectively all points of view and posesses a strong sense of ethics. An individual avoids harm while maintaining comfort, order, and physical safety. An individual establishes meaningful interpersonal relationships and can identify himself/herself within a group. A client has been fired from work because of downsizing. Although clearly upset, when explaining the situation to a friend, the client states, "i took all my client files with me because they weren"t using me to my potential and they owe me!" Hide feedback makes excuses to justify feelings or behaviors.