NUR 1211C Study Guide - Final Guide: Dsm-5, Nursing Diagnosis, Nursing Care Plan

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Document Summary

A client exhibiting dependent behavior says," do you think i should move from my parent"s house and get a job?" "it would be best to do that in order to increase independence. " "why would you want to leave a secure home. " "let"s discuss and explore all of your options. " "i"m afraid you would feel very guilty leaving your parents. : a client diagnosed with vascular neurocognitive disorder (ncd) is discharged to home under the care of his wife. The client has worked the night-shift his entire career. The client smokes one pack of cigarettes per day: a client diagnosed with neurocognitive disorder (ncd) is ataxic, disoriented and wanders. To evaluate goal attainment and ensure therapeutic closure. To establish trust and formulate a contract for intervention. To promote client change: a nurse states to a client, "things will look better tomorrow after a good night"s sleep. "