VB SC 050S Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy, Canine Distemper, Chronic Wasting Disease

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Bovine leukosis- the abnormal proliferation of one or more leukopoietic tissues. Bovine respiratory disease complex- a multifactorial disease of cattle resulting from complex interactions between environmental factors, host factors, and pathogens. The environmental factors act as stressors adversely affecting the immune system and other host defenses and enhancing transmission of infecting agents. Bovine spongiform encephalitis- transmissible to cattle associated with prions. Canine distemper- a species of morbillivirus causing distemper in dogs, wolves, foxes, raccoons, and ferrets. Pinnipeds have also been known to contract canine distemper from contact. Chronic wasting disease- a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of deer and elk characterized by chronic weight loss leading to death. It is thought to spread by direct contact between animals or through environmental contamination with the prion protein. Coccidiosis- protozoan infection found in animals and man. Hyperinsulinemia- a syndrome with excessively high insulin levels in the blood.