VB SC 050S Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Housefly, Lymphoma, Enzootic

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Retrovirus: any of a family (retroviridae) of single-stranded rna viruses that produce reverse transcriptase by means of which dna is produced using their rna as a template and incorporated into the genome of infected cells, that are often tumorigenic. Adenovirus: any of a family (adenoviridae) of dna viruses originally identified in human adenoid tissue, causing infections of the respiratory system, conjunctiva, and gastrointestinal tract, and including some capable of inducing malignant tumors in experimental animals. Adenoid tissue: either of two abnormally enlarged masses of lymphoid tissue at the back of the pharynx that usually obstruct the nasal and ear passages. Viral tropism: the specificity of a virus for a particular host tissue, determined in part by the interaction of viral surface structures with host cell-surface receptors. Etiologic: the study of the causes of disease. Sign: an observable physical phenomenon so frequently associated with a given condition as to be considered indicative of its presence.