[SCM 301] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (23 pages long)

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Study guide: supply chain stages, there is no standard supply chain. Each sc is unique and dynamic: the customer is an integral part of the supply chain, flows go in both directions, supply chains are more accurately supply networks, nodes = stages or work sites. Price sensitive: there are many players in a supply chain and each chain is dynamic and different. The purpose of supply chain management is to ensure the smooth, integrated flow of good and services, information and cash and to provide value to the customer. The supply chain can provide a competitive advantage: the supply chain processes scor, supply/demand planning and management. Align supply chain with strategic and business plans: manage performance, data collections, inventory, capital assets, etc. to reach the firm"s goals establish/communicate plans with supply chain partners, 3 planning levels (decision phases) Sc strategy / design: structuring the supply chain (long term) Leverage information technologies as a competitive advantage for the firm: source.