HD FS 229 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Short-Term Memory, 18 Months, Imaginary Audience

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Document Summary

Piaget: constructivist approach- children learn by engaging with their learning constructing their knowledge, stages, sensorimotor period (birth-2) Achievements: mental representations, intentional behavior, object permanence: preoperational period (2-7 years) Achievements: huge gains in mental representations, language grows rapidly, make believe play becomes more complex, sociodramatic play at age 5, drawing becomes more realistic, dual representations. Limitations: can"t perform mental operations, egocentrism, cannot conserve, centration, irreversibility, lack hierarchical classification (class inclusion problem: concrete operational (7-11) Achievements: can mentally operate, conservation, perspective taking, decentration, reversibility, hierarchal classification, seriation. Limitations- operate only on concrete objects/experiences, horizontal decalage: formal operational (11+) Achievements: abstract thought, hypothetico-deductive reasoning, propositional thinking. Consequences: self-consciousness- imaginary audience, personal fable, idealism and criticism, problems with decision making: piaget vs. gopnick, egocentrism. Piaget 7 years, gopnick 3-4 months: object permanence. Piaget 18 months, gopnick 3-4 months: hypothetico-deductive reasoning. Several mental structures that information flows; changes in cognition can be from increase in software: limited resource model.