HD FS 129 Study Guide - Final Guide: Identity Formation, Body Image, Sexual Identity

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13:48: the young individual must learn to be most himself where he means the most to others who have come to mean the most to him. Identity issues: vocational issues, political ideology, spiritual ideology, self in relation to others, sexual identity, ethnic identitiy, interests, body image, the process of identity formation involves, crisis. A period of role experimentation and active exploration of possibilities or alternatives: commitment. The individual has resolved his/her identity crisis and made commitments to particular goals, beliefs, and values: foreclosure. The individual seems to know who she/he is but has latched onto an identity prematurely without exploration: moratorium. No commitment made and is experiencing crisis. The individual is actively raising questions and seeking answers. Enduring commitments have not been made: diffusion. No commitment made and no crises experienced. Deficits in cognitive development and academic achievement. Hostile family interactions: children of affluence are more likely to experience.