HIST 021 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fireside Chats, Pointless, Gulf Of Tonkin Incident

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History 021 final: no phenomenon of the half-century since wwii had a greater impact on america than the cold war. assess this statement. What were the effects of the cold war on. American foreign relations, and on american domestic life: stance a. i. Kids were taught to hide from nuclear power a. iii. Focused around containment and keeping communism tamed a. iv. People were arrested and jailed for being communists a. iv. 2. a. Mistrust of government (turned from love to distrust over time) a. iv. 3. a. End of the trickle down era a. v. 1. a. a. v. 1. b. a. v. 1. c. In what ways do the contrasts between the two decades seem greater than the similarities: stance a. i. Less protesting for civil rights and more wealth oriented a. i. 2. There was more confidence and trust in the government (d) a. i. 2. a. Fdr and fireside chats made government and a. i. 3. a. ii. Moving forward socially in terms of racism (d) Less trust in the government (d) a. ii. 3. a. a. ii. 3. b.