ANTH 002 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Moe Williams, Ethnography, Participant Observation

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Cultural anthropology: to study a society in depth, anthropologists decided that they would have to perform. How to make the most money from books resulting from their research: in contrast to statistical associations, theories may contain parts that are not observable. Most anthropological data comes from ethnographic fieldwork: anthropologists can generate interpretations on the basis of worldwide comparisons by looking for differences between those societies having, and those lacking, a particular characteristic. Divination: according to durkheim, when australian aborigines worship totems, they are really venerating their clans, __________ are generally full-time male specialists who officiate at public events. Salem, massachusetts: the __________ have merged the ancient mayan worship of the sun with the spanish conquerors" jesus and mary. Chamulas: which of the following is being performed when an individual compels the gods to act on his or her behalf? magic, __________ felt that religion helps people resolve their inner conflicts and attain maturity.