[ECO 321] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 15 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

The point of this class is to make us more critical consumers of media. We will talk about how media operates, how producers make media content, media institutions, politics, and economics. Our everyday life is dominated by media. An average american spends 3,500 hrs using media incl. Daily time spent exclusively w/ media: about 4 hours. Concurrent activities (when you use media and do something else simultaneously) included: about 7-8 hours. Media multi-tasking (using multiple media at the same time, e. g. tweeting while watching tv): 50 minutes (out of the 8 hours) 74% of americans aged 12-24 use facebook. Prof. min"s survey is based on this study. 22% of americans could name the 5 members of the. 1 in 1000 people (0. 1%) could name the 5 rights guaranteed in the first amendment. With our life relying so much on the media, a critical eye reading the media is vital. English (literary) tradition - interpretation of media texts.