MTH 252H Quiz: MTH 252 Quiz 4 2015

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The rate of change of the volume (liters/min) is given by: r(t) = 6t t2 + 1. Iii. (x) (cid:0)x2(cid:1) dx (cid:0)x2(cid:1) (x) dx. Justi cation includes mathematical work as well as verbal explanations. For multiple choice questions you get 1pt for the correct answer and up to 4pts for the explanation. (5pts) problem 1: A full 25-liter tank begins to drain at t = 0 minutes. The rate of change of the volume (liters/min) is given by: r(t) = 6t . 0 t 5 t2 + 1. Solution: the area under the curve r(t) will tell us the net change in volume over the. Let"s let u = t2 +1, then du = 2t dt 3 du = 6t dt and t = 0 u = 1, t = 5 u = 26. So the volume has gone down by about 24. 594 liters.