STAT 3460 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Simple Random Sample, Mutual Exclusivity, Variance

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The objecive of staisics is to make inferences about a populaion based on the informaion contained in a sample from that populaion and to provide an associated measure of goodness for. Populaion the enire collecion of objects or outcomes about which informaion is sought. Sample a subset of a populaion, containing the objects or outcomes that are actually observed. Simple random sample a sample chosen by a method in which each collecion of n populaion items is equally likely to comprise the sample. Sample of convenience a sample that is not drawn by a well- deined random method. Sampling variaion when two diferent samples from the same populaion difer from each other. Staisic a value computed from the observaions in a sample. Tangible populaion a inite populaion consising of actual physical objects. Conceptual populaion an ininite populaion from an experiment consising of all values that could possibly have been observed.