SOCIOL 4508- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 97 pages long!)

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Rape, robbery: part i index property crimes burglary, auto theft, larceny, Ii: focuses on the ___situational___factors that lead to aggression present circumstances rather than past history. Speaker state signal any behavior a listener performs to tell the speaker that he wants to talk. Back channel behaviors any behavior a listener performs to tell the speaker that he is listening: attributing causality: internal vs external, 2 types of attributions: e. g. Dispositional attribution: wiener"s theory of achievement motivation (reasons behind success or failures, 2 different dimensions, _locus of control_ dispositional vs situational attribution, stability stable trait (longlasting) vs unstable, 4 reasons for success or failure: Luck: self-serving bias deals with achievement situations. If fail attribute to external stable factors e. g. task difficulty. If others succeed attribute to external factors. If others fail attribute to internal factors. Fundamental attribution error the tendency for observers to. _underestimate_ situational influences and _overestimate_ dispositional influences upon others" behavior.