PSYCH 3325 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Dissonance, Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill, Dispositional Attribution

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Self- fulfilling prophecy - perceiver has expectations about how target will behave. A prophecy fulfilled: unintentional, involuntary, effortless: ex: sunny driving and talking to friends/singing to music intentional, voluntary, effortful, ex: icy road and paying all attention to driving. Perceiver expects behavior from target, confirms perceivers original expectations from target. Requires 2 people, not something that happens on your own. performance increases teachers expectations are confirmed. Bloomer study by rosenthal & jacobsen elementary kids iq tested, some randomly selected as (cid:498)bloomers(cid:499) some not. The teachers were told who was in which group. The teachers gave them different treatment and higher expectations, and then the teachers(cid:495) Teacher expects good performance teacher challenges/encourages student student(cid:495)s. Automatic processing used when unable or unmotivated to think. Control processing used when we are able and motivated to think. Social cognition perceive and remember certain information, don(cid:495)t see everything, New look movement perception is a decision process.