PHILOS 1332 Study Guide - Final Guide: Louis C.K., Kantian Ethics, Dornier Do X

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You should act in a way that if everyone acted that way, it would be all right. That quote is, in a nutshell, the gist of one major part of kantian ethics. Kant"s ethical theory has many different moving parts and two different formulations. The universal law formulation of the categorical imperative. It"s important to note, as will become clear, that kant"s ethical theory is radically different from utilitarianism. Importantly, kantian ethics is not consequentialist: the moral status of an action does not depend on the actual consequences of that action. According to kant, the good will is the only thing that has unconditional value, or value in its own right, independently of its relation to anything else. The good will is possessed by someone who does the right thing for the right reason. (this will be explained later. ) Kant notes that we might think that certain talents are unconditionally good say, various talents, like courage and wit.