ANIMSCI 2200.01 Study Guide - Final Guide: Catabolism, Defecation, Hydrolysis

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Animal eats 1000 g
Feed has 5% or 50 g of y (1000 x 0.05 = 50)
Produces 200 g of feces (200 x 0.075 = 15)
Feces has 7.5% or 15 g of y
% Y digestibility = [(50-15)/50] x 100 = 70%
70% is APPARENT digestibility. Feces contains nutrients from endogenous losses
true digestibility = [nutrient in feed (nutrient in feces nutrient from endogenous) / nutrient
in feed] x 100 = 73%
true digestibility is greater than apparent
TDN (total digestible nutrient) traditionally used to estimate the energy value of feeds
TDN% = CP + CF + NFE + crude fat x 2.25
Given table, use percentages and digestibility (multiply crude fat by 2.25)
NFE = Dry matter (CP + crude fat + CF + Ash)
- Essential to living organisms
o Loss of as little as 10% of body water can be fatal
- 50-75% of adult animal body mass
- 90% of blood in mammals
- 60-65% of the mass of a cell
- earth covered by water is 70% (within the ranges above)
2 primary functions:
1. component of cellular metabolism: biochemical reactions in animal’s body require water
2. medium for thermoregulation: process of maintaining constant body temperature
water is also a transport medium and diluent
asymmetric structure with negatively charged oxygen and positive charged hydrogen
- solvent properties
Universal solvent
- solvent: substance that dissolves the solute resulting in a solution
- body fluids; complex liquid solutions (many solutes)
most compounds really iodize or dissolve in water
- ionization: acquire negative or positive charge (gain or lose e-) to form ions
water can be obtained through consumption or within the body (metabolic water)
water is an essential nutrient
- the biochemical reactions of the body take place in water
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Document Summary

Feed has 5% or 50 g of y (1000 x 0. 05 = 50) Produces 200 g of feces (200 x 0. 075 = 15) Feces has 7. 5% or 15 g of y. % y digestibility = [(50-15)/50] x 100 = 70% Feces contains nutrients from endogenous losses true digestibility = [nutrient in feed (nutrient in feces nutrient from endogenous) / nutrient in feed] x 100 = 73% true digestibility is greater than apparent. Tdn (total digestible nutrient) traditionally used to estimate the energy value of feeds. Tdn% = cp + cf + nfe + crude fat x 2. 25. Given table, use percentages and digestibility (multiply crude fat by 2. 25) Nfe = dry matter (cp + crude fat + cf + ash) Essential to living organisms: loss of as little as 10% of body water can be fatal. 60-65% of the mass of a cell. Earth covered by water is 70% (within the ranges above)