MUS 131 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Monophony, Aria, Stile Antico

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From the list on the reverse page, choose one item from each column. Some answers may be used more than once; some answers may not be used. You will hear an entire aria (without score). Nun komm, der heiden heiland: chorus, tenor aria, bass recitative, bass aria, soprano and alto recitative, chorale. St. matthew passion: narrative: und der hohepriester , chorale: wer hat dich , narrative: petrus aber , aria: erbarme dich, chorale: bin ich gleich . Dido and aeneas: recitative, ground bass aria. Concerto for violin and orchestra in a minor: allegro, largo, presto. Form: da capo, fugue (subject, exposition, episode, entry), binary (dance movements), instrumental ritornello. Composers: monteverdi, schutz, purcell (when i am laid in earth, lament), corelli, Describe the well-tempered clavier and the reason it was composed. Name three other specific choral works and at least five instrumental works (these do not have to be specific titles, but general groupings, like.