NURSE-UN 1255 Final: Exam 3 Guide Peds [Lena]

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A & p of gi system of children. Esophagus: les not fully developed until age 1, causing regurgitation: mouth: highly vascular; entry point of infection they love to put things in their mouths, newborn stomach capacity only 10 to 20 ml. Intestines: small intestine not mature at birth (250 cm vs 600 cm) digestion. Biliary system: liver relatively large at birth; pancreatic enzymes develop postnatally until around 2 years old. Fluid balance and losses increased risk for dehydration from high metabolic rate and over hydration because immature kidneys and larger body surface area for fluid loss to occur. Key points: most common result of gi illness is, dehydration requiring fluid therapy at home or, in more extreme cases, in the hospital, monitoring the blood count, electrolyte levels, and liver function. Appropriate administration of oral antifungal agents by administering mycostatin suspension four times per day following feeding to allow the medication to remain in contact with the lesions.