NURSE-UN 1255 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Febrile Seizure, Abusive Head Trauma, Status Epilepticus

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Pathophysiology: genetic link, injuries, infection, idiopathic, fever (febrile seizures) Definition: times of abnormal electrical discharge in the brain, involuntary movements, status epilepticus: greater than 5 minutes, multiple seizures without return to consciousness, epilepsy: chronic illness with recurrent, unprovoked seizures due to an abnormality in the brain. Hydrocephalus: enlargement of the, too much ventricles due to increase in csf production, or too little absorption, of. Fat metabolism in liver, kidneys, and brain. Head injury: mild to total brain injury, mva, abusive head trauma (previously known as shaken baby syndrome , bicycle, skiing/hockey/foot. Spina bifida: birth defect where the neural tube fails to close as a fetus, results in, spina bifida occulta, meningocele, meningomyelocele, mal-alignment of feet which resists being moved into proper alignment. Club foot ball: unknown, lack of folic acid during pregnancy, fetal positioning, intrauterine restriction, boys > girls, myelomeningocele, some syndromes. Signs and symptoms: focal: on one side of the brain, affects the opposite side.