[CORE-UA 533] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 69 pages long Study Guide!

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Safavids attempted to control western against the ottoman empire. They also tried to control part of what is now afghanistan to the east, which was contested by the turkish. Brought shi"i religion as national religion for iran. Empire went into decline in late 17th century into early 18th century, until it was overthrown. After being overthrown, various regional tribes competed to control the whole of iran. None of these powers got complete control, leading the 18th century to be defined by political instability and economic decline. Qajars were a tribal group from northwestern iran, that expanded their influence east, contending for the iranian throne. By 1796, the qajars won wars and started the qajar dynasty in iran. Fath ali shah was the first long-term king of the qajars. Established tehran, a small town which supported the qajars as the capital. Tehran quickly grew into the largest and most extravagant city in iran.