[CAMS-UA 101] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (29 pages long!)

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Mark twain quote when i was a boy of 14 i was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years. Antipsychotics: previously only given to schizophrenics or autistic, but now it"s easier to prescribe. > billion spent per year on childhood mental disorders. National comorbidity study of 2005: 50% of adult mental illness sets on by age 14, 75% by age 24. On average, it takes about 9 years until treatment is started: exception: psychosis (having a break with reality) gets treated within 2 years on average. Psychotic adults 3x more likely to end up in jail than in a hospital: likely to have done some illegal act, most people don"t get seen by a healthcare professional in jail. Depression 15-17% by 18 are diagnosed (1 in 6) Anxiety 22%-33% by 18 (generalized anxiety disorder, separation, panic, ocd, Disruptive behavior disorders 19% (1 in 5) Suds = substance use disorders 10-12% (alcohol and drugs)