PSYC 3404 Study Guide - Lev Vygotsky

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Behavior motivated by inner forces, memories and conflicts person, unconscious forces act to determine personality and behavior. Behavior is a result of continuing exposure to specific environment environmental stimuli factors; developmental change is quantitative. Conditioning (organisms learn to respond in a particular way to a neutral stimuli) Conditioning weakened by association with environment negative or positive stimuli consequence. Schemes processes that allow people to know, arranged in organized mental patterns that understand represent behavior and think about and actions, the world understanding of world improves through assimilation and accommodation. Information is thought to be processed in serial, discontinued. Focus on cognitive development through lens of brain. Focus on social interaction with others manner as it certain areas moves from stage to stage, information is stored in multiple locations throughout the brain by means of network connections. Approach considers internal, mental processes, but focuses specifically on the neurological activity that underlies thinking, problem solving, and other cognitive behavior.