PSYC 3400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Collective Unconscious, Existentialism, Iceberg

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Focus on personal choices and constructive activities of individual persons. Focus on personal choices and constructive activities of individual ppl (goals are important) Interested in the study of humanity"s highest potential (vs humanism"s individual focus) The psyche entire personality of ego, personal and collective unconsciousness, an open system versus that of. Self emerges out of interpersonal interactions (interaction w/ environment and others) Primarily conscious portion of phenomenal field, but unconscious and preconscious experiences are contained w/in it (subceived but unsymbolized) Self = whole person, not specific part of personality. Less optimistic about human nature (ppl are fickle and sometimes evil), but we should be responsible & courageous in face of apparent meaninglessness. Insist on including the dark side of life in their analyses. Balances evil, death, and tragedy of existentialism. Human nature is innately good inherent drive. Humanism toward enhancement (inclined toward growth, creativity, and meaningful values) Id needs to be suppressed in order for society to exist.