MATH 2321 Midterm: Statistics Exam 1

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Organize, summarize, and generalize data, draw bigger conclusions. Need to account for variability- what is due to chance, what is otherwise explained. Descripive: organize, summarize actual observaions, make concise, easily understandable. Inferenial: allow us to generalize beyond collecions of actual observaions, use sample to generalize beyond to a larger populaion. Experiment: operaional deiniions- how we decide to deine variables. Populaion: enire group / complete set of interest, populaion has parameters (exact values) too large to study. Random sampling: each member of the populaion has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample. Convenience sample: volunteers from a limited pool, voluntary response bias occurs when paricipants self select whether or not to paricipate. Qualitaive- words, leters, numbers that represent a class or category. Qualitaive- numbers that represent an amount or a count. Nominal (w/ qualitaive data: #"s only help to disinguish one from another, 1= female, 2= male. Ordinal (w/ ranked data: #"s places things in order.