BMS 508 Study Guide - Final Guide: Posterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Adrenal Medulla

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Protein hormones- bind to receptors outside of cell membrane; go through second messengers ex of second messangers- Steroid hormones- crossing membrane and bidn to receptors inside cell and activate. All hormones travel through the blood to the target organ and work through some receptor (specificity through receptor) *** if something ends in rh or ih, released by the hypothalamus and act on anterior pituitary, causing the release of another hormone. Exception of the 2 that act on the posterior pituitary are not releasing hormones (adh and oxytocin) Adh- antidiuretic hormone, from kidneys, opens aquaporins and allows water to leave filtrate and inter interstitium (conserves body water) Anterior pituitary- tropic hormones that stimulate another organ. (mostly gnrh, lh, and. Fsh- know these hormones and the role of lh and fsh in the reproductive system) Parathyroid hormone acts on bone, works with calcitonin (briefly talked about with electrolyte metabolism) nervous system (sns) Adrenal medulla- catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine) mimic sympathetic.