BMS 508 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Activin And Inhibin, Anterior Pituitary, Adipose Tissue

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21 Mar 2020

Document Summary

Athletes, enduces more rbc: transports oxygen fasteexcess rbc: heart attack, clotting, stroke, calcitriol:makes sure calcium goes into body and blood, gonads, testes, testosterone: 2nrdary sex chaaracteristics. Inhibin: sperm production released max, stop producing sperm: ovaries, estrogens, progesterone: Inhibin: chemistry of hormone"s, amino acid based, protein basd, bind to a recpetor. Needed for the production of dn, which controls tissue growth and cell function: works with b12 to elp form rbc, needed for the production of dna, controls tissue frowth and function. Anemia: hemorrhagic anemia: rapid blood loss, stab wound, treated by blood replacement, chronic hemorrhagic anemia: slight but peristant b;lood loss, hemerrhoids, ulcer, treatmentt: treating primary problem. Iron deficeincy anemia: causes, hemorrhagic anemia, low iron intake. Impaired absorption: treatment: iron supplements, pernicious anemia: autoimmune disease- destroys stomach mucus, lack of intrinsic factor, rbc cannot divide mscrocytes. Depolarization opens few voltage gated na channels in the sarcolemma: depolaization wave down t tubules.