BMS 508 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homeostasis, Adipose Tissue, Endocrine System

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21 Mar 2020

Document Summary

Tyrosine, tryptophan, ect: horomones such as, epi and norepi. What is the function of the hypothalamus: produce regulatory horomones. What do they do: developmental hormones, gh control growth, puberty, prolactin milk production, oxytocin, vasopressin, gonadotrophins- secondary sex characteristics, thyroid stimulating- bmr. Describe the functions of the hormones produced by the kidneys, heart, thymus, testes, ovaries, and adipose tissue. What are some of the major homeostatic imbalances we surveyed (e. g. addison"s, diabetes (all types), cushing"s, acromegaly, etc. : addisons: too little cortisol, cushings: too much cortisol, acromegaly: too letting gh. Describe the components and major functions of blood, identify blood collection sites, list the physical characteristics of blood, and specify the composition and functions of plasma. List the characteristics and functions of red blood cells, describe the structure and functions of hemoglobin, describe how red blood cell components are recycled, explain erythropoiesis, and discuss respiratory gas transport (ch. Explain the importance of blood typing and the basis for abo and rh incompatibilities.