CHE 211 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hemoglobin, Blood Sugar, Collagen

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8 May 2018
Organic Chemistry 2: Proteins
Biological Functions of Proteins
Amino acids form polymers, which are known as peptides/proteins; structure and
function will also be examined (there are many types of proteins and they have many
biological functions)
The relationship between function and structure is best illustrated with the chemistry of
amino acids, peptides and proteins
Proteis eas of first iportace
Proteins play a crucial role in biological processes
All proteins are chemically similar; they are all made up of many amino acids linked
together by amide bonds
Proteins are polymers of amino acids
Proteins have many biological functions
Enzymes biological catalysts (any substance that speeds up the rate of a
chemical reaction without being consumed during the reaction); an example of
this is sucrase, which is the enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of sucrose
Antibodies defense proteins; specific proteins molecules produced by cells of
the immune system in response to invasion by infectious agents; immunoglobins
are an example of this and they stimulate the immune response
Transport proteins these are needed to transport materials from one part of
the body to the other; hemoglobin is an example of a transport protein that
transports oxygen
Regulatory proteins responsible for controlling many aspects of cellular
function, such as metabolism and reproduction; insulin is an example of
regulatory protein that regulates blood glucose levels
Structural proteins these provide mechanical support for large plants and
animals; collagen is in tendons and cartilage and caritine is in hair, skin, nails and
Movement proteins these are responsible for all forms of movements; myosin
and actin are proteins that contract muscle fibers
Nutrient proteins these serve as the source of amino acid for embryos and
infants; casein stores protein in milk and ferratin stores iron in the spleen/liver
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