THEO10002 Study Guide - Final Guide: Paul The Apostle, Pastoral Epistles, Antithesis

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Bishop from asia minor born ~85 ce. First to propose a new testament canon with specific scriptures listed. Moved to rome in the middle of his life where he developed his theology and wrote his books. Made massive monetary donation to the roman church (200,000 roman coins) Book that outlines his doctrines and theories. God of old testament created this world, called israel to be his people, and gave them his laws. Another god sent his son down to save us from the judgment of the old testament god suffering and death that the god preached by jesus had nothing to do with the god of the jews. Since everyone violated this law, he deemed it just to condemn people to death. This god"s law represents solely legal justice and punishes mankind for its sins through. Was so repulsed by the violence and rituals of the hebrew bible that he came to believe.